School of Computer Science
Xi'an Jiaotong University
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I am Boxuan Hu, a junior student from QianXuesen Honors Class of Xi'an Jiaotong University, majoring in Computer Science.
My research interest mainly lies in datacenter networks advised by Prof. Danfeng Shan. I'm a research intern of Advanced NeTworked System Group (ANTS) @XJTU.
In 2024, I served as a visiting student with sponsorship at both National University of Singapore and University of California, Berkeley.
During my visit to NUS, I worked under the supervision of Prof. Richard T. B. Ma to complete the IntelliDoc project.
At UCB, I had the privilege of collaborating with Ph.D. students Tian Xia and Ziming Mao on SkyPilot.
I'm looking for Ph.D. position in 26Fall. If you are interested in my research, please feel free to contact me.
I am broadly interested in computer systems and networks. My research currently focuses on Datacenter Networks, decentralized SDN and Sky Computing.
I strive to make systems smart and secure, via bridging the networking and security with machine learning, artificial intelligence and distributed computing.
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