Academic Experiences

Publications & Patents

    Hydrocephalus Diagnosis Support System Based on the UNet Model
    Chengzhen Liu, Boxuan Hu, Lifan Gu
    Computer Software Copyright, June 2024

Research Experiences

    School of Computing (SoC) @ National University of Singapore
    Research Intern         2024.05 - 2024.07
    Focusing on AI-based systems in Computer Networks and Cloud-Computing
    Teamed 3rd place globally and rated as A+ in Summer Workshop
    [Code] [Poster] [Slide] [Certificate] [Grade]
    Advisor:   Prof. Richard T. B. Ma, National University of Singapore
    A NeTworked System Group (ANTS) @ Xi'an Jiaotong University
    Research Intern         2023.05 - Present
    Focusing on Datacenter Networks, Congestion Control and Traffic Management
    Advisor:   Prof. Danfeng Shan, Xi'an Jiaotong University

Research Projects & Open Source

    2D Game Development Team (NRM Team) @ Xi'an Jiaotong University
    Interactive Entertainment Engineer         2024.03 - 2024.04
    Focusing on 2D Game Developement based on Unity
    Having published on [Link]
    Advisor:   Prof. Kelvin Sung, University of Washington Bothell
    Biomedical EnGINeering Group (BEGIN) @ Xi'an Jiaotong University
    Software Developer         2023.10 - 2024.07
    Focusing on Neuroscience and Deep Learning
    - Having obtained Computer Software Copyright Registration Certificate [PDF]
    - Awarded Excellence Award (Highest Distinction) in National Undergraduate Innovation Training Program [File]
    - Currently applying for Utility Model Patents Certificate
    Advisor:   Prof. Chao Jin, Xi'an Jiaotong University
    High-Performance Computing Lab @ Xi'an Jiaotong University
    Software Developer         2023.10 - 2024.05
    Design and Implementation of a Performance Testing Platform for NAND Flash Memory
    Awarded Second Prize at 'Tengfei Cup' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition
    Advisor:   Prof. Shiqiang Nie, Xi'an Jiaotong University